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Covid-19 Information

Jump Start YOUR CareerApril 2019


It is SPRING on our beautiful campus! Please come and see just how pretty the campus is and find out what it is like to live here. We are having an Independent Living and Personal Care Open House on April 25th from 2-4 PM in "C" Builidng (our Valley View Building - named for the beautiful view!).
Everyone is welcome, bring a friend. We have light refreshments and you can take a tour with someone who actually lives here. 
For more information, please call Kim Haller at 
570-322-2763. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

On Wednesday, April 10 The Williamsport Home & Apartments were pleased and proud to honor and thank our 2018 Donors, Volunteers and Past Board Members.

Over 110 ten people attended a reception from 4P to 6P at The Williamsport Country Club. The festivities included a program by Board Members, Executive Director, Director of Independent Living and Skilled Facility Director of Activities.

The presentation reviewed the projects that were completed during 2018 with the assistance of donations. All of our donors were recognized and the importance of their donations were highlighted.

In addition all of our campus volunteers, who add so much to the qualify of life for all of the Residents of our Community, were thanked. Our current and former Board Members were also honored. The Williamsport Home & Apartments would not be the thriving community it is without their time, talents and direction.

During this National Volunteer Month we are happy to shine a light of recognition on everyone who donates their time, talents and financial support to make our world a better place.

Image may contain: 11 people, people smiling
Image may contain: 15 people, people smilingImage may contain: 6 people, people smiling
No photo description available.Please go to our facebook page to see more pictures of this terrific event!

Apartment Resident Adelia "Dilly" Clark, had a wonderful 95th birthday! She shared her special day with her Son Dennie and daughter-in-law Linda who surprised her by coming in from New York! Her friends and neighbors from the apartments shared in her happiness and her cake!

Spring is here! To celebrate Spring and the Easter Season The Williamsport Home Apartment Residents enjoyed a flower arranging session with Susan Miller on April 2nd. Susan is a professional florist. All of the Residents made a basket to take home and had a great time. 
Many thanks to Susan for providing all of the materials and to Kaleb Roudabush (our Wellness Coordinator) for making the arrangement for the class.

On March 19th Brittany Wittman McLaughlin, BS, MFA and certified Therapeutic Art Coach, facilitated a “Remember When” Art Workshop with eleven Independent Living Residents at The Williamsport Home Apartments. Brittany understands the importance of creative self expression at all ages. She shared her knowledge of how art heals, engages the mind, and creates a sense of well-being with the participants.
This was a personal experience for Ms. Wittman McLaughlin as she remembered when she was a little girl and her Great Aunt Dot lived at The Williamsport Home Apartments. She would play at the billiard table - rolling the balls around - in the very same activity room where the class was held. 
The Residents were curious, interested in being creative, and were ready to try something new. Many of them stated that they could not draw, or that they were not artists, but at the conclusion of the session, everyone had a story to tell and a painting to share. Using an exercise in creative visualization, each woman recalled a memory that brought to their mind great joy. Using journaling, they made notes about what they saw and how they remembered this time or event. They made a sketch before taking brush to canvas to illustrate - in either a literal or abstract manner - their joyful memory. Their memories included family vacations, milestones, childhood pleasures and special people in their lives. 
Brittany stated “It was a beautiful experience for me to encourage their creativity and witness their memories in this group setting. I am grateful to have had this experience and I look forward to offering more creative workshops in their community.” The Residents all shared that they enjoyed the experience very much!


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