the williamsport home
Covid-19 Information

The Williamsport Home would like to wish our staff, family, friends and our community a safe and prosperous.........................Happy New Year

Residents Lucille Persun and Lois Hasson of The Williamsport Home show off their creative centerpieces made at our crafts workshop.

Lucille PersunLois Hasson

Bishop Neuman Regional Academy students Maria Helminiak and Marie Johnson-Davis shared their Christmas cheer with helping decorate our tree at the Edgewood Apartments at The Williamsport Home

Maria Helminiak L and Marie Johnson Davis from Bishop Neuman Regional Academy 2

The WIlliamsport Home would like to wish our family, friends and staff a....................


Christmas 1


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How Can We Help?


Whichever specific health issue you're currently facing, we'll be more than glad to
give you a pre-appointment, free consultation on it!